Welcome On Board!

Do you like to travel? Here is a chance to take a trip inside my head. Hear the little things I think while I am making sure you get from place to place safely. Also sharing the entertaining behaviors of others... with a few name changes.
Everything is fair game so lets get started, make sure your sitting upright, your seat belt is buckled and Please sleep as much as you can....The less I do the happier I am.

June 21, 2011

Toddler's take Your Seat!

So I am a Flight Attendant.  And quickly became aware that this is an amazing profession.  One Part Greeter, One Part Safety Specialist, One Part Reality Television Show Judge.  The contestants don't even realize that they are on the longest running reality show in the world.  How Well Do You FLY?

The answer more often than not is amazingly well.  People are actually starting to get it.  Just close your eyes, rest, pretend to sleep and we are all going to get to where we need to be quickly and with the least amount of disappointment.  They get to jobs, vacations, or better yet loved ones.  We get to another bug infested hotel with a group of equally judgemental people who have been eating out of a silver lined lunch kit for 4-5 days.  But there are the ODD Exceptions that both baffle and entertain us to no end.  Occasionally scare us, but, for the most part Entertain.  Add to the mix a few cocktails and we begin what I like to call "The Debrief".  We talk about the people who fly....but...on...occasion.  We talk about each other.  Not of course when ``They`` are around.  But we do talk and it is a lot of fun. And this is were I come to share my stories.

Come on we all know that going 500+ mph for a couple hours high above the earth's surface is pretty cool.  Getting across an entire country in a single day, with a snack and the option for a drink... Astonishing!  But for some people that fly... it isn't enough.  I can only imagine that the life they live outside of this plane is beyond my wildest imagination.  I've gotten to meet some pretty cool people that were more than happy with the flights, our service, these people inspire me.  Sharing a kind word, smiling, not asking for whole lot cause they know it is too early to care or that I've got a new magazine to read.  OK not really new, someone left it behind, still it is new enough for me.  These people INSPIRE me. 

Then you meet the others, the others that don't inspire but just leave you asking a whole lot of questions.  Like How are they alive, or are they allowed to be alone in public without assistance?  Should I call the authorities?  And sometimes you should, maybe you do. 

One night while operating a flight I was going through with beverages.  It is a flight that was delayed and I felt very badly for the individuals that were on the flight.  We were about 2 hours behind schedule and it was fast approaching midnight, flying into a winter storm that could see us turn around to the very airport from which we just left.  Never a good feeling. This feeling is multiplied of course since we have TV`s and everyone can see what is expected upon our arrival.

I feel especially bad for the Mother with a young Child.  I am guessing he is 2 and not much older.  He is very active, jumping on the seat, being fussy, talking gibberish very loudly and flirting with another young girl across the isle from his seat.  I ask his Mom what beverage she would like? " Red Wine".  Short and to the point I totally understand the lack of the word please, she looks stressed.  But I have to ask, "Are you driving when we get to Montreal?" She responds "It isn't for me it is for him";  I  give her the wine.  I laughed cause I thought she was kidding, Oh how wrong I was!  10 Minuets later we get the announcement to prepare the cabin for arrival.  As we are going through the cabin the child is now a Wine Fueled Toddler that will not take his seat.  Is now really interested in the other 2ish year old across the isle.  His cheeks are VERY red, we are going through some rough air so I ask the Mother to please get the little guy into his seat.  She places him into his seat, we secure the cabin and as I am walking back I see the child WITH the glass of red wine.  I am just beside myself.  I think that it is a more than a little weird.  I mean I drank but at the tender age of 16.

As we are doing our final checks I look out and in the aisle is the little guy, face down on the carpet.  Passed out, sound asleep.  Beside his mother, moments before the plane is to touchdown on the runway.  I have to go out and make her place him in his seat as well as buckle him in.  She wanted him to just stay on the floor cause he was finally asleep.  She was arguing with me the entire time.

 As I walk out that night past the passengers picking up their baggage I see the child, rosey cheeked, sound asleep in his stroller while Mom and her drive home are obviously talking about the rude flight attendant who made her pick up her drunk child and buckle him into his seat for safety.  All that goes through my head is the pair of them placing the kid in the trunk with her other luggage for the ride home.  Maybe they will just lay him down on the floor in the back seat so he isn't as cold.

I'm not the perfect parent, but tonight I sleep a lot better.

1 comment:

  1. I laughed out loud at this. This did NOT really happen. Did it?
